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First Aid Office

Our First Aid Office supports the student's health care between the home and school. Our School Nurse provides for the direct care of the medical needs of the student, including medication administration and first aid treatments, when needed.

Every student at Dorado Academy must comply with certain requirements put in place to help us keep our children healthy and in school. Please read them carefully and contact the School Nurse if you have further questions.



  • All children attending school in Dorado Academy must have completed the required immunizations to attend school and bring the Immunization Record - GREEN FORM (P-vac-3), with the updated expiration date. 

  • If you have a medical or religious reason to refuse the immunization then we need the Exemption to Vaccinate for Medical or Religious Reasons Form (Exención a Vacunar por Razones Médicas o Religiosas), signed by a doctor or minister.



Our children’s health and oral care are very important. Poor oral hygiene will, in turn, bring diseases that could put the health and life of your child at risk.


The Puerto Rico Health Department has been working with health professionals in public and private schools to improve the oral health of our children. For this reason, Act No. 63 of August 3, 2017, states that (as a registration requirement) an oral examination certification is needed. This applies to all students in grades Kinder, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th. 


This certificate will be valid for two (2) years. The School must include, in a report to the Department of Health, the students who delivered their certificate and those who did not. This report requires that we refer to the “Departamento de la Familia” (Social Services of Puerto Rico) the parents that did not deliver the certificates. 



Schools rely on the cooperation of parents/guardians to safely and effectively administer medication to their students at school. If your child needs medication during school hours, it is important to keep in mind the Parents/Guardians are responsible for:

  • Supplying all medications

  • Transporting medication to and from school

  • Completing all required medication authorization forms

These requirements apply for all medications: prescription, non-prescription, and homeopathic.


Due to our COVID-19 protocol, we will not be giving maintenance nebulizer treatments to students. These must be given at home and they must continue through Distance Learning.



It’s a decision every parent faces regularly: whether or not to keep a sick child home from school. 


If your child has had any of these symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, shaking chills, repeated tremors with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, the recent loss of sense of smell or taste, diarrhea, congestion/running nose or nausea/vomiting, they must not attend school. They must remain at home for 5 days or until symptoms subside. We also recommend the student gets an antigen home test to be on the safe side.



We will call you immediately if your child becomes ill during school hours. You are expected to arrange for your child to be picked up as quickly as possible after receiving our call. Our First Aid Office is not equipped to handle sick children for long periods.

School Nurse: 

Mileni Ciuró Marrero, RN/BSN


Remember that healthy children learn better. Please keep in mind the basics of healthy living as you teach your child good life-long healthy habits:

  • Be sure they get plenty of rest each night.

  • Encourage healthy foods: Offer lots of fruits and vegetables and whole-grains; limit junk foods such as sweets and chips; have regular mealtimes; encourage water for thirst instead of soda or juice.

  • Be sure your children get DAILY exercise out in the fresh air whenever possible.

  • Avoid exposing your child to second-hand smoking, either in the house or in the car.

  • Teach your children to keep their bodies and hair clean (daily showers/shampoo), use deodorant as needed, brush their teeth twice a day, and wash their hands often.


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Contact Us


© Copyright 2021 by Dorado Academy.

Tel: 787-796-2180


Urb. Dorado del Mar, 100 calle Madre Perla, Dorado, PR 00646

Dorado Academy is a nonprofit organization that has been recognized by the IRS as being tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3)
and Section 1101.01(a)2A(iv) of the P.R. Internal Revenue Code. Donations to our organization are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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