Dorado Academy's Philosophy
The school’s philosophy is based on a commitment to develop in each student a strong sense of moral, ethical, and spiritual values; to ensure proficiency in language skills; to foster competence in science, mathematics, and technology; to enhance physical development and emotional intelligence; to cultivate the skills needed for a productive life in a democratic society; to nurture creative talents, reasoning abilities, and critical thinking to the fullest of each child’s potential; and to enrich learning with the teaching of the Spanish language. It also emphasizes an understanding of the social development, culture, and history of Puerto Rico and its connections with the United States, the Caribbean Basin, and other cultures worldwide. The language of instruction is English.
All students deserve the opportunity to learn.
Students need to develop a sense of being lifelong learners.
The purpose of education is to develop a student intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically.
A safe, positive, supportive environment is essential to the educational process.
Optimal teaching/learning occurs when there is a shared responsibility among students, parents, faculty, and the community.
Our goal is to cultivate habits and attitudes that define self-discipline and independence. We understand that discipline and self-control are learned over time, with younger students needing more guidance and supervision than older ones. To maintain an environment conducive to learning and interaction, our faculty has established rules designed to foster cooperation and order. These rules are not just meant to be followed but to be understood, accepted, and embraced by students and parents, ensuring a shared commitment to responsibility and a productive learning atmosphere.
Dorado Academy will strive every day to maintain the highest educational standards while fulfilling the following commitments:
To its students: Innovative education in synergy with our times, that will empower self-learning, promote resiliency and cater to individual academic interests, while preparing you for all challenges and lifelong pursuits.
To its faculty: Recognition as our most critical resource through competitive compensation and our full support in your continued development and certification.
To its community: Sponsor a family-first environment that will effectively interact with our neighbors through strong principles of participative citizenship.
“Dorado Academy seeks to be recognized as the premier English instruction Institution in Puerto Rico, by continuously ensuring the highest quality of education through an integrated learning program focused on the creation of innovative leaders and upstanding citizens, well prepared to meet the challenges of today’s society”.
We view the following as our objectives for each student:
To ensure that each student acquires the language and other skills needed for a productive life.
To develop reasoning abilities and critical thinking to the best of each student’s abilities.
To instill in each student a sense of moral and spiritual values such that he or she will become a humane, concerned, involved, and thinking member of society.
Provide a comprehensive system of support services to facilitate student success academically and personally.
Highly Qualified Teaching Development: Enhance academic experiences by integrating quality teaching, curriculum planning, and assessment to promote learning excellence. Create environments that ignite curiosity, creativity, and emotional and social development while addressing the diverse needs of all students.
Promote Literacy and Critical Thinking: Strengthen students’ abilities to think critically and use language effectively, enabling them to interpret and create texts meaningfully. Foster collaboration and creativity through exposure to literature and encourage students to share ideas in dynamic, interactive spaces.
Ensure Inclusivity and Career Readiness: Provide equal access to educational opportunities for all learners, including those with disabilities. Support students in exploring future career and academic paths while nurturing their creativity and emotional expression through music, dance, and theater.
Athletics: Promote the pursuit of excellence by providing an educational and competitive athletic experience within a sportsmanlike environment.
Student Performance
Strive to consistently perform at high levels on external and internal school performance measures and close equity gaps.
Provide a precise, unbiased assessment of a student's knowledge.​
Our school is accredited by:
CADIE (Comisión Acreditadora de Instituciones Educativas)
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Dorado Academy is a member of:
Puerto Rico’s Private Schools Association
National Association of Independent Schools
Caribbean Association of Independent Schools
Caribbean Counselors Association
College Entrance Examination Board
Puerto Rico’s Association of College Admitting Counselors
National and Junior Honor Societies
The National Association of Student Councils
National Association for Secondary School Principals
Puerto Rico High School Athletic Alliance
Mini Athletic League of Private Schools (LAMEPI)